Handcraft Remote Control

Recently Jaydan likes to take my radio controller and hold on to it before I switch off the lights, fan or TV. He would ask me to wait and only when he use the controller and point towards the switch and said "beep!", then I am allowed to switch on and off the lights. Same goes to the fan and TV.
So, I decided to make something by myself to let him continue his pretend play and give my remote control a break. At the same time, let him recognise words. 
I am into doing handcraft also, so this maked it fun for me to diy!
First of all, we need to have a template, either print out or draw before cutting it out and trace on the felt cloth. I made a few copies as my cut out always goes missing in the mist of my handcraft work. -.-" (They will reappear a few days later or when I pack the room....)
Items needed before the start of this Controller project:
• felt cloth (from daiso)
• needles
• normal sewing threads
• chalk pencils (from daiso)
• DMC threads
• some ribbons (make hoop to put their hands through)

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